One of the great limitations of physical exam is that many (if not most providers) don’t do it very well. I have previously recommended the […]
Four Tips For Vaginal Hysterectomy
Here’s a new video with four tips to hopefully make vaginal hysterectomy a bit easier. If you haven’t yet, take a look at this post […]
Lessons Learned From Magnesium
How did our profession get so far down the wrong track regarding magnesium? Why is it today that most women in preterm labor are still […]
Magnesium (Part 3): To Prevent Cerebral Palsy
In Part 1, we learned about magnesium’s role in treating and preventing eclampsia. In Part 2, we discussed the mistakes made in using it as […]
Magnesium (Part 2): To Prevent Preterm Labor
It was a happy accident that magnesium was discovered to reduce the risk of seizures in women with preeclampsia with severe features; and it was […]
Magnesium (Part 1): To Prevent Maternal Seizure
In this three part series, we will look at the evidence behind magnesium sulfate for treatment of three problems in obstetrics: prevention of maternal seizures […]
Simplified Vaginal Hysterectomy
(Get the book!) Total vaginal hysterectomy (TVH) is the preferred route of hysterectomy. Consider the following facts: TVH is an average of $3,500 cheaper per […]
The Real Risks of Hormone Replacement Therapy
Few topics in medicine are filled with as much misinformation and misunderstanding as hormone replacement therapy in women. Millions of women each year make important […]
Post-Tubal Ligation Syndrome (Or, Post-IUD Syndrome)
Ever heard of Post-Tubal Ligation Syndrome (PTLS) or Post-Sterilization Syndrome (PSS)? Your patients have. Everyone on Facebook and Pinterest has. The website lists 45 […]
What Birth Control Should I Prescribe?
One of the most common and important jobs of an Ob/Gyn is to prescribe effective birth control. Unfortunately, more often than not, the choice of […]