(Get the book!) Total vaginal hysterectomy (TVH) is the preferred route of hysterectomy. Consider the following facts: TVH is an average of $3,500 cheaper per […]
Penis Captivus and The Cult of Personality in Medicine
Sir William Osler editing his textbook of medicine in 1891 at Johns Hopkins. Ah, Sir William Osler. Who doesn’t love a good Osler quote? My […]
The Real Risks of Hormone Replacement Therapy
Few topics in medicine are filled with as much misinformation and misunderstanding as hormone replacement therapy in women. Millions of women each year make important […]
Post-Tubal Ligation Syndrome (Or, Post-IUD Syndrome)
Ever heard of Post-Tubal Ligation Syndrome (PTLS) or Post-Sterilization Syndrome (PSS)? Your patients have. Everyone on Facebook and Pinterest has. The website tubal.org lists 45 […]
What Birth Control Should I Prescribe?
One of the most common and important jobs of an Ob/Gyn is to prescribe effective birth control. Unfortunately, more often than not, the choice of […]
One Too Many?
We recently discussed problems with how we communicate risk and benefit of interventions to patients. To communicate successfully, we first have to understand the risks […]
What Should Be Done At Routine Prenatal Visits?
From SarahL.com Much of what constitutes prenatal care is based on tradition and lore. Having a clear understanding of evidence-based practices is important. For the […]
The Myth of the Black Cloud and Other Superstitions
If you’re in medicine, you have undoubtedly heard of a person with a “black cloud.” Maybe you’ve also heard of a person with a “white […]
Risk, or The Game of Life?
The ideal physician is not risk-averse but rather is a risk-mitigator. Risk is inescapable. We have to be able to understand risks in real terms […]
Will The Real Cowboy Please Stand Up? Harmful Practices and Harmful Culture in OB/Gyn
Have you ever been called a cowboy? I certainly have. I even own a nice pair of boots. What is a cowboy? “A person who […]